NSCC Foundation & Alumni Relations
Strategic Plan

NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki – the unceded territory and ancestral, traditional homeland of the Mi’kmaq Nation. As Treaty beneficiaries our relationship is based on a series of active Peace and Friendship Treaties between the Mi’kmaq Nation and the Crown, dating back to 1725. We are all Treaty beneficiaries.
African Nova Scotians arrived here 400 years ago, and from that time on, they have contributed to the infrastructure and economic wealth of the towns and cities they helped to build, but from which they could not benefit. Let us endeavour to learn more about the ways in which our own respective communities were shaped by the historic contributions of African Nova Scotians to Mi’kma’ki.
NSCC Foundation & Alumni Relations
Strategic Plan

NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki – the unceded territory and ancestral, traditional homeland of the Mi’kmaq Nation. As Treaty beneficiaries our relationship is based on a series of active Peace and Friendship Treaties between the Mi’kmaq Nation and the Crown, dating back to 1725. We are all Treaty beneficiaries.
African Nova Scotians arrived here 400 years ago, and from that time on, they have contributed to the infrastructure and economic wealth of the towns and cities they helped to build, but from which they could not benefit. Let us endeavour to learn more about the ways in which our own respective communities were shaped by the historic contributions of African Nova Scotians to Mi’kma’ki.