Technical Assistant Projects
More externally funded international technical assistance projects in target regions that create international learning opportunities for employees and students
2023 Results
- Hybrid planning and implementation of project activities;
- Launch of two new externally funded projects:
- Empowerment through Skills Program in Tanzania ESP-01, with focus to support women and adolescent girls develop education, self-employment, and entrepreneurship skills;
- Skills to Access the Green Economy, SAGE-07, with the aim to research eco-tourism needs in six Caribbean countries and to develop six short courses to supplement present tourism programs;
- Successful implementation of in-person capacity building activities – 6 project missions to overseas partner institutions plus 1 study tour at NSCC;
- 100+ participants in on-site and virtual training activities;
- Conducted successful business development initiatives leading to potential new projects;
- 8 active externally funded technical assistance projects in the Caribbean, and East Africa with 21international partner institutions and 11 Canadian partner colleges.

New Funded Projects
Training Participants
Active Projects
Canadian Partners
Project Missions
2023 NSCC Technical Assistance Projects
(For full view, please view this table on a computer screen)
CBO - Community Based Organization
CICan - Colleges & Institutes Canada
GAC - Global Affairs Canada
ITVET - Institute for Technical Vocational Education and Training
SAGE - Skills to Access the Green Economy

"As an institution, NSCC broadens its global footprint. Employees who participate in our technical assistance projects get more opportunities to practice what they are very passionate about. The international exposure gives you a different perspective of other practitioners in your field of expertise thus enriching your skillset. One comes back to their office refreshed and energized. All these gains……not to mention the travel to different parts of the world!"
Godfrey Odinga
Academic Chair, School of Business & Creative Industries (NSCC Akerley Campus)

"NSCC's technical assistance projects provide incredible opportunities to meet new colleagues, gain exposure to new ideas, and 'recharge our batteries'. What can I bring back to my classroom? At every turn, there is a possible new lesson plan, case study, or current example that I can incorporate into my courses. This exposure is so fresh and dynamic, that I sometimes feel I can abandon my textbook."
Tony Dorrian
Faculty, Adult Learning Program (NSCC Burridge Campus)