Priority areas of impact
As we move forward for the betterment of our province, we will focus on four areas.
A model that benefits our community
There are complex issues facing our province that provide opportunities and present challenges for which we will pursue solutions. These solutions will be defined on Nova Scotia’s terms and will become our four priority areas of impact – areas in which we must play a leading and necessary role in positively affecting and improving the economic and social prosperity of Nova Scotia.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Anti-Racism (IDEA²)
Equity is our collective call to action. Our businesses need diverse, highly-skilled and well-trained employees ready to meet the pace of change facing the world. More importantly, every Nova Scotian deserves the chance to seek a better life and to...
NSCC empowers students through the most innovative, challenging and applied education you can get in Nova Scotia and beyond. They learn from expert faculty who have forged their own career success and what they learn is hardwired to industry. In this post-pandemic, digital-focused world, we prepare students to be future-ready.
We will move our province forward. Our time is now.
Pictured above: Sydney Gavel, Pharmacy Technician Hyesun Kwon , Digital Animation Kieran Wasuek Johnson , Natural Resources Environmental Technology Jonathon Lloyd , Disability Supports Njeri Smith, Business Administration Jericho Padua, Electronic Engineering Technician Onya Hogan-Finlay, Partner, OK Sea Salt Kim Kelly, Business Administration – Accounting , Partner, OK Sea Salt