Welcome to the 2021/22 Sustainability Report
Message from our President

At Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), sustainability is a strategic priority that has been infused into all aspects of our operations. As an integral part of Nova Scotia’s social infrastructure, we accept and are enthused by the role NSCC plays to prepare, support and inspire others to find real-world solutions to the environmental, economic and social challenges we all face.
In January 2021, the College became one of the first institutions in Canada to sign the SDG Accord. The Accord outlines the global university and college sector’s collective commitment to moving the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) forward. By signing, we’ve underscored something we’ve long recognized: NSCC has a distinct opportunity to encourage bold leadership, innovative thinking and determination across Nova Scotia and beyond.
Whether it is by supporting learners, partnering with the community and industry, or conducting research, the College is dedicated to meeting today’s needs without compromising the needs of future generations.
As we look forward to 2023, it is this commitment that will yield real, meaningful change. It will also position our students, grads, employees and partners as part of a global contingent working to achieve real change and meaningful progress towards reaching the all-important SDG Goals.

Don Bureaux, NSCC President
Message from our Vice-President

In 2007, NSCC began its journey in sustainability. Since that time, the College has been recognized as a national and international leader and has received several esteemed awards.
As the newly appointed Vice President of College Services & Strategy, sustainable development and building resilient communities will be among my key priorities and I’m excited to lead the College into the next chapter of its sustainability journey.
The next steps we take will be ambitious, but they will also be necessary if we’re to reach our goal of achieving net-zero emissions across the College by 2050.
To do so, we’ve begun work to achieve platinum status through the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education’s (AASHE) Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS®). We’ve also continued infusing sustainability into our built environment — both new structures and retrofits on existing buildings. By installing solar energy systems and expanding our network of electric vehicle charging stations (as two examples), we’ve reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 40% over 2008 levels. By improving the efficiency of our campuses and sites, we’re not only diminishing the impact our operations have on the environment, we’re setting an example others can follow.
We’re also continuing essential work to strengthen sustainability knowledge across the College. By incorporating sustainability into our student learning profiles, our students will graduate with the advanced sustainability knowledge they will need to thrive in the resilient careers and province of tomorrow.
As we move into 2023, our work will focus on preparing to respond to the opportunities and threats of climate change, while ensuring the communities we support are ready to do the same. Only by working together can we ensure that no one is left behind on the journey to a more sustainable future.

Anna Burke, Vice-President of College Services & Strategy